We have thought, considered and weighed our options and...
We're going to be using air fillers i.e. air-filled bags to protect our domestic and international puzzle shipments.
Our biggest concern has been the environmental impact of this decision. We have been using newspaper lately and we found that we have to use quite a bit to really fill up the box. It's rather messy, smudges on our fingers and much heavier than air fillers. We thought that since we are re-using old newspapers and putting them to good use (they exist anyway), this is our best way to be green...
However, we firmly believe that paper newspapers (not magazines or books, however) will not be around for too much longer, hence we should opt for a more long-term choice of box fillers. We secretly hope that the reduced demand for them will mean less trees being cut... Althought honestly, I do not know how much of a newspaper is already-recycled paper or if using air fillers is actually greener, but I believe it's a good step forward in further improving our services to you.
As such, we have chosen our air fillers to be made with HDPE film, which is much more eco-friendly than its LDPE counterpart or especially other types of plastics. HDPE is biodegradable while retaining a lot of the benefits of plastic (strong, flexible, overall dependable). Please help further save the planet by reusing our air fillers for packages you plan to send out, or let the air out and allow for recycling. While not many places in Indonesia are equipped with facitilites to properly recycle plastics, we personally think you've already made a world of good by consciously choosing to recycle :) please keep up the good work!
Till next time, happy puzzling and be eco-friendly!