Pintoo • The Corner Tower of Palace Museum 150 PCS Plastic Jigsaw Puzzle

Regular price Rp. 345.000
Sale price Rp. 345.000 Regular price
Tax included.


Name The Corner Tower of Palace Museum
Brand Pintoo (Taiwan)
Product Size 150 PCS (10.2 x 7.6 cm) Micro Pieces
Description 矗立在北京故宮城牆四角的故宮角樓,輪廓優美,簷角秀麗,造型玲瓏別致。角樓的各部分比例諧調,其結構複雜迷離,堪稱巧奪天工的傑作,成為紫禁城的標誌,見證著歷史長河的變遷。黃昏中的故宮角樓倒映於湖面上,水天一色,更顯其精致華麗,美輪美奐。

Pintoo • The Corner Tower of Palace Museum 150 PCS Plastic Jigsaw Puzzle

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